Saturday, November 29, 2008

Get out of God's way!

God is about to do something amazing at my church with this ministry. I just know it. I'm going to get out of God's way and just let him use me as he sees fit.

I am so excited and overjoyed I can barely contain myself.

But things aren't going to be clear until after the Christmas season. I've made a conscious decision to only post positive, certain things that I am doing. I have not shared some of the anguish I have been experiencing. But the veil has been lifted and the sun IS rising!!


Tara B. said...

Will be praying for you, I have a feeling He is going to use you in big ways! I can "feel" your heart and genuine love of the children, praying your ministry is greatly blessed!

Kel said...

Having just recently sponsored two children I have been pouring over Compassion blogs and have bookmarked yours as a favorite. You are so inspiring.

I was wondering is there a forum for Compassion sponsors?

Andrea said...

Thank you for your compliment.

I've gotten the opportunity to "meet" several sponsors and advocates through the blogosphere. Facebook has been a great jumping off point as well. But I don't think there's a dedicated chat room for Compassion sponsors.

Will you be posting on your blog? I can keep up with your sponsorships there!

Kel said...

Andrea - I've made the leap! I just made my first post on my blog.

You've inspired me so much - I had to try.