Wednesday, November 19, 2008

As the Compassion family grows

I just came from meeting briefly with some of the Youth Leaders at my church. On Sunday, they will "vote" on the children they will sponsor. I am encouraged by their excitement. It is either going to be a boy from the Dominican Republic or Brazil. There's also a little girl from Columbia. I pray that God gives them wisdom and brings them together with just the right child.


Anonymous said...

That's great that they're going to join Compassion by sponsoring children!

Making sure I read it correctly; they're going to sponsor 1 boy and 1 girl, but they're still deciding on which country the boy will be from...right?

Out of curiosity, are they choosing the child based solely on the country, or do they have two boys in mind from the website? I know I like being able to choose the child, rather than a "random" assignment.

Andrea said...

I have 10 child packets right now for them to choose from. They are looking at the 3 oldest children that I have from Western Hemisphere countries. They were narrowed down to 3 choices. There are two Youth services on Sunday. Each service is going to sponsor a child. Our church also has a satellite campus and I am going to see if that Youth service is interested in sponsoring a child as well.

Anonymous said...

What a great encouragement you have been to your church to do this! Really wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Check out this awesome video!